Pros and Cons of Choice Motherhood

Whenever it comes to a major life decision, I make a pro and con list. Something about seeing all of your thoughts laid out next to each other really helps you make a clear decision. I’ve done this when it comes to changing careers, moving, and most recently, deciding if now was the time to have …

Counselor Conversations

"Let's say you wait until you're 40, and you have trouble getting pregnant, that can make someone really anxious. For s omeone who has given it a lot of thought at 37, you can move ahead and you can always press pause at some time. No one is saying you have to get pregnant next week.&…

Figuring Out Your Finances

I want to be a solo mom by choice, but can I even afford it?  This is one of the first questions that crosses every smbc’s mind. When you are not a dual-income household, it’s hard to fathom how you can make your dream of motherhood work financially. I knew that before I could even get into the fer…