6 months since I started...

I'm entering the 7th month of trying for a baby. Yet, I haven't even tried to get pregnant yet. But I've finally made it to the most important step, my frozen embryo transfer. In two weeks, I'll get the results for my personalized embryo transfer which hopefully gives me a 70% chanc…

Pathways to Becoming A Solo Mom

If you're considering becoming a solo mom, it's time to explore all of the different pathways to building a family without a partner.  Types of Donors Known Donor A known donor is a person that the woman knows and chooses to donate sperm. This option is much cheaper than unknown sperm donor…

Pros and Cons of Choice Motherhood

Whenever it comes to a major life decision, I make a pro and con list. Something about seeing all of your thoughts laid out next to each other really helps you make a clear decision. I’ve done this when it comes to changing careers, moving, and most recently, deciding if now was the time to have …