How it Really Feels to be Pregnant Solo

Solo pregnancy is filled with peaks and valleys, as I would imagine any pregnancy is. I’m nearly half way through my pregnancy and it still doesn’t feel real to me. Sometimes I use the word “weird” to describe how it feels seeing my baby on an ultrasound, my brain doesn’t fully grasp that there is …

Pregnancy - That Weird In Between Stage

Last night I went for a summer stroll and found myself thinking about how being pregnant has you in this weird in-between life stage. You know that the everyday life you have known for so long is going to change completely in a matter of months, yet you can’t fully embrace that old life anymore.  E…

Do Children of SMBC's have Psychological Problems?

One of my biggest questions when considering becoming a choice mom was how it would affect my future child. Would I be setting them up for a harder life because of my desire to become a mom? Would they suffer mentally from being raised by only one parent versus two? I knew it was time to do some re…

Surviving and Barely Thriving in the First Trimester

Pregnancy is nothing like I thought it would be. I’ve spent years hearing friends discuss it and watching it depicted on television, but until you experience it, you just don’t really get it.   For example, I always thought I would have really bad morning sickness and be throwing up all day. I get…