You may be surprised to learn just how many Single Mom's by Choice are out there. When I started the process, I thought I was one of few. I had a hard time finding stories about SMBC's that share their real life experiences (which is why I started this blog!) But as I have dived into my research and connected with many other SMBC's, I've learned that it is becoming a popular path to motherhood for single woman.
We are fortunate that today, a family can look different than the traditional mom, dad, and child make-up. Different family forms are emerging, and the number of single mothers by choice is increasing.
I've done some research to learn more about what is happening with Single Mom's by Choice in recent years. Cryos' Sperm and Egg Bank has released these statistics of 300 of Single Moms by Choice.
1. More than half of their customers are single mothers by choice
You probably would not expect it, but more than half of their customers are single women. To be more precise the statistics shows it is 54% of their customers.
2. Most Single Mothers by Choice are between age 36 and 45
78% of the single women who ordered sperm for their fertility treatment were between the age of 36 and 45. It is well known through statistics that women’s fertility begins to decline at 35 - although I read more recently that the cliff is really more like 38. This may explain why many women start their journey to become a solo mom right after turning 35 when they became aware of their limited fertility years left.
3. 61% were going to receive IUI with donor sperm at their fertility clinic
Most of the single mothers were hoping for an IUI success story at their fertility clinic. Exactly 61% ordered sperm for IUI treatment. Since IUI is the most simple and cheap method to accomplish success, many women start with this type of treatment. Discuss this decision with your doctor! I completely skipped IUI based on my fertility levels and age.
4. A good support system and determination are the main factors for success
Statistics shows that about 50% of the women think that a good support system is the main factor for making it work as a Single Mom by Choice. Statistics show that an IUI success story is not enough, most women need support from others too. However, It might not be so different from couples having a baby together. Most parents draw on grandparents and other family members to support them – especially with a newborn.
5. 90% of single mothers get help from their family
By far, the largest part of the single mothers says that they get help from their family to make it work as a single mother. The family helps with babysitting and homes chores. This confirms the importance of a good support system.
6. 1 out of 10 already have children
One of the finest Single Mother by Choice statistics are that 11% of the single women who picked a donor have a child or children already. Approximately 1 in 3 of these siblings were donor-conceived too.