How I'm Prepping for my Transfer

I can’t believe I am FINALLY preparing for my frozen embryo transfer. After a lot of research and asking you all questions, I’m breaking down my plan into 3 different sections.  Pre-Transfer In the 2 weeks while I am on estrace and starting progesterone, I am going to make sure to do light exercise…

Moments of Doubt

I’m starting to doubt if I can really handle becoming a single mom. The universe has thrown some tests at me the last few weeks. One of my friends is having a really hard time with her newborn where she isn’t getting any sleep even though she has a supportive partner, I’ve been invited on my dream …

6 months since I started...

I'm entering the 7th month of trying for a baby. Yet, I haven't even tried to get pregnant yet. But I've finally made it to the most important step, my frozen embryo transfer. In two weeks, I'll get the results for my personalized embryo transfer which hopefully gives me a 70% chanc…

Pathways to Becoming A Solo Mom

If you're considering becoming a solo mom, it's time to explore all of the different pathways to building a family without a partner.  Types of Donors Known Donor A known donor is a person that the woman knows and chooses to donate sperm. This option is much cheaper than unknown sperm donor…